Whopper, born in Jan 1998, is a huge full grown male Kodiak/Grizzly, standing 8 feet tall and weighing in at 1400 pounds. Whopper is a professional when working and loaded with personality
Whopper’s features include: Anchorman, Grizzly Falls,, Air Bud 2, Return to Grizzly Mountain, Last Trapper, Super Troopers2, Working Moms, Chobani Yogurt, Vikings, 40 Below and Falling, In An Instant, Samsung Washing Machine, Hell on Wheels and King David.
His commercial credits include Super Bowl commercials: Chobani Yogurt, FedEx Kinkos, Pepsi and Bud Lite. Other commercials include: FedEx Kinko’s, Rice Krispie Treats, Spring Air Mattress, Animal Planet, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, Seven Up, Gatorade, Trident Mint, Satellite TV, Napa Chevy Tahoe, Polo Toothpaste, American Express, Nature Valley, Anadin, Rimowa Luggage, Rexona, Doritos, Chevy Tahoe and television: National Geographic special Grizzlies and Monk.
Some of his many behaviours include an especially good `` scary bear`` where he stands on his hind legs and does a simulated roar, a bluff charge, throwing objects with his paw, retrieving objects and placing them where needed as well as the normal film behaviours such as going to a mark, standing up, growling, laying down, standing on all fours, shaking and throwing objects to name a few. He doubles Barney well and works with Betty and Barney at the same time. Please enjoy watching some of his work.